IQ title [audio version] - Fun funny games, brain teasers, enhance the breadth and depth of thought
IQ題 [語音版] - 趣味爆笑遊戲,腦筋急轉彎,增強思考的闊度及深度語音內容包括廣東話及普通話,用家並可自由調節語速。遊戲將隨機 (不重覆) 挑選IQ題供各玩家猜猜,直至猜完所有問題為止。我們將定期注入更多爆笑有趣的IQ題!!iPhone / iPad 版: 版: title [audio version] - Fun funny games, brain teasers, enhance the breadth and depth of thoughtVoice content including Cantonese and Mandarin, and can be freely adjust the speed with home.The game will randomly (not repeat) the selection of IQ questions for each player, guess, guess until all issues have been exhausted.We will regularly inject more comedy IQ interesting question !!iPhone / iPad version: 新增 IQ 題 ;2. 版面優化。